Meringue browns and crisps in a way marshmallows simply can not.
Yams and sweet potatoes are sweet. No one can dispute this. There’s a reason they’re just as at home in a pie as they're as a side dish. Indeed so, a lot of people contend with adding brown sugar, sweetened nuts, and marshmallows to the orange tubers, because sugar tastes good.
Marshmallows are a bit too satisfying for me, still. In history, I’ve made my own marshmallow fluff to cut down on the sugar and add a little racy gusto, but I should have just made a Swiss meringue. It’s easier to make and work with than marshmallow fluff, and it browns and crisps in a way that marshmallows simply can not.
Still, it’s just like making any other meringue, with one redundant step rather than whipping raw egg whites with super fine or powdered sugar, If you’ve no way made a Swiss meringue ahead. ( Rub a bit between your fritters. When you can no longer feel any grains of sugar, it’s done.) The performing meringue is more stable than the raw kind, with lower air bubbles and a more delicate texture.
When spread over a mass of yams or sweet potatoes and embrangled, the meringue browns and crisps, create a thin, crusty subcaste you’ll have to break through with a ladle to pierce the delicate, caloric orange crush below. ( You can make your crush still if you want, but I generally cook mine in the Instant Pot, because it's hands-off and succulent.)
Once you’ve got your spuds hot and ready, it’s time to make the meringue. I use this form, making sure to whip to stiff peaks. Spread the admixture over the sweet potato and yams in a dish, swirling a ladle around to produce a fancy pattern. ( You could also put it in a pipeline bag and pipe it out, but I’m noway going to do that.) Pop the whole thing in the roaster and melee for a nanosecond or two to toast the meringue — really watch it nearly — also serve incontinently.
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